Kirkbymoorside Primary School

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School Curriculum - English (Writing)


At Kirkbymoorside we give our children something to say, a reason to say it and the skills to do this with style.. Therefore we have undertaken a multifaceted approach to writing, whereby all subject areas include the opportunities for pupils to express their thoughts in a range of written styles. There is a progression of skills across the genres and a range of genres are taught across each phase.  The writing genre is appropriately placed within the longer term plan with a topic driver to ensure that the curriculum subjects are complimentary to each other and promote the best outcomes for children and the key genres are revisited frequently so that children can apply the skills they have learnt to a number of contexts.

From reception until the Spring Term of Year 2, our children follow the RWI programme of study which allows them to embed and develop writing fluency linked closely to their reading ability. Alongside this and throughout Key Stage 2 the English curriculum is taught by looking at quality texts, gathering vocabulary, practising technical skills, applying these to the context and editing and publishing work. We use models and scaffolds to ensure that all children are able to achieve success and their work is shared frequently.

Our reading and writing are closely linked as it is vital that our children are exposed to a range of exemplar texts, from across different genres and subject areas, to embed ambitious vocabulary choices and secure expectations of writing across the curriculum. This exposure to a variety of curricular areas encourages a range of writers and writing styles,.

Spelling and Handwriting:

Having identified this as a priority area, we have now implemented a spelling scheme throughout school. We introduced the RWI approach in September 2023 as this will give consistency for the children who are already familiar with the language, pattern and way of learning to read and write. Spelling is regularly assessed, progress monitored and children are taught in small groups according to their need for 20 mins a day.

Handwriting is taught daily and the children are encouraged to join their letters using a cursive style. 

Curriculum Overview

Progression in writing genres

Writing Curriculum